Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ways to Promote Your Bulk Candy Vending Business!

Apart from getting out and pounding the pavement, calling up businesses and bringing up your business in mixed company, what methods are out there to help you get the word out about you and your awesome bulk candy vending business?

     One more traditional method is business cards. Many people don't realize that there are bulk candy / gumball vending business cards available- now, you don't want cheesy cheap ones like you could print on your own home printer- you want cards that look professional. Just because you're not running a 6 figure frozen food route doesn't mean you can't look like you roll with the big guys. To the left is a great gumball / Bulk Candy Business Cards design.

A cool and playful way to get the word out as you're out doing your errands is vending company t-shirts. There are a lot of trendy designs for gumball vending machines HERE.

Other ideas are to print out cute flyers that feature the type of machines you operate, plus logos of popular brands of candies available. Certain brands are instantly recognizable worldwide- even someone living under a rock knows what M&M means- tasty chocolate goodness.

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